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Configuring LPRng permissions

I'm configuring lprng the lazy way. I edited a few lines in lpd.conf
(location of files, default printer etc.), cleaned my printcap, and then
ran checkpc once, and checkpc -f twice (as root).

checkpc said it wanted /var/spool/lpd to be 042700 and 7/7 (lp/lp) rather
than 042775 and 0/7. It said the same about the directories underneath as
well (left there by lpr). checkpc -f successfully changed/created all the
subdirectories so now they're drwx--S--- lp/lp instead of drwxrwsr-x
root/lp. However, it couldn't change /var/spool/lpd itself. (/var/spool is
drwxr-xr-x root/root.)

Fine, I thought, I'll do it myself. Just do chmod 042700 /var/spool/lpd
and chown lp.lp /var/spool/lpd. But man chmod says that I should give a
4-digit number. So is LPRng 042700 the same as Linux 6700 and, if so, what
does suid do on a directory?
David Wright, Open University, Earth Science Department, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
U.K.  email: d.wright@open.ac.uk  tel: +44 1908 653 739  fax: +44 1908 655 151

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