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Re: Debian-lite

On Fri, 1 Aug 1997, Will Lowe wrote:

> Why not,  rather than have "customized packages",  which seems like a lot
> of duplication of work already done,  have "customizer packages" ... an
> smail-config package that depends on smail.deb and does nothing but allow
> the user to choose between one of several smail configurations and then 
> installs *just the necessary configuration files* ... and an
> fvwm-config package that required you already have fvwm (and X,  etc)
> installed,  but sets up nice menus and icons,  etc based on what's already
> installed ...

Great idea!  To use my intented applicaiton as an example, I would need
smail to use, at a minimum, one uucp neighbor as smarthost for email.  It
would also need to generate a paths file (using pathalias) from the
sbay.org domain uucp maps.  This is particularly true for sites with more
than one UUCP neighbor. At the same time, many of the sites have PPP
dialup accounts so it MIGHT need to send mail via smtp as well.

For PPP configuration I would likely ask the user if their ISP works with
Win95 and if so, set up a ppp login using PAP.  Autoconfiguring a manual
login would be more difficult and would probably be left to the user.
Right, we use demand routers a lot to get mail through the UUCP net
quickly.  These are not normally installed by default and need to be

> 	You could even have a "Router.deb" package that consists only of
> dependencies on all the packages needed for a router install 
> and configurations for all of those packages on a router.

> 	Heck,  you could even have a "I want Debian to be as Win95-like as
> possible" package for those migrating to linux.
> 	If I'm being overly naive here,  let me know. Ever since I've
> installed debian,  though,  I've wondered if such a thing was possible ...
> it'd help new users get things going without killing the happy
> customization-ability of Debian.  

Good ideas, in my opinion.

George Bonser
Why is it that the same people that tell us that manned space flight
is a waste of money also tell us that we have been visited by aliens?

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