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RE: Debian-lite

>I agree, you need to keep it simple and small on installation yet give the
>admin the option of installing more stuff and reconfiguring things later.
>My goal would be to get a system up and running in one of a few KNOWN
>configurations.  If they want to go on and break something from there,
>fine, but when the installation program is done, I want to be reasonable
>sure that the admin is left with a working configuraiton (hardware
>inconsistancies notwithstanding).

If we use Debian and install dpkg, dselect etc as part of the lite
install then the admin can slap in the Official CD set and add stuff as
they need to.

i.e. the only thing special about Debian-lite is that you don't get get
much choice when you first install the system.

Alec Clews, <alec@consulting.tca.co.uk>,         PGP keyid:48FA EB81
TCA Consulting Ltd  Tel. 44-(0)171-415-8159   Fax:44-(0)171-556-0022
New CIty Court, 20 St Thomas Street, London, Britain, SE1 9SD
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