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Re: Serial ports/Speak Freely/Video/Installation Dependencies...

On Wed, 5 Mar 1997, Mark Lever wrote:

> getty processed on ttyS1 block modem access to cua1. When a getty is
> running (getty, agetty, uugetty or mgetty) and I try to run kermit
> (or minicom or statserial) I get a can't open device error. Why? They
> didn't used to. Is this a new kernel feature?

ttyS devices and cua devices use different locking methods.

cua devices are obsolete, and have been obsolete in the linux kernel
for nearly a year now - they are only kept for compatibility with older
programs which haven't been patched to use the ttyS* locking method.

So, use ttyS devices for ALL of your serial ports, for all applications
- getty, mgetty, kermit, minicom etc.

If you are using mgetty then you do not need to use uugetty - mgetty can
do everything the getty_ps/uugetty can do and a whole lot more.

> Also, on another subject, is there any way network audio system can
> co-exist with speak freely? I use speak freely to listen to my house
> while I'm at work. I have two dogs I like to keep and ear on. Is there
> any reason that I can only operate with -DAUDIO_BLOCKING? I have a
> SB16 installed and I think it supports bi-directional sound (i. e.
> /dev/audio and /dev/mixer are independent).

not as far as i know - i find this a bit annoying myself...i sometimes
use the real audio player, or xanim, neither of which will work with NAS
running. I usually run '/etc/init.d/nas stop' to kill NAS just before
running something which can't work with it, and '/etc/init.d/nas start'
to restart it again afterwards.

It would be nice if NAS could run out of inetd or as a non-blocking
daemon. But AFAIK it can't.


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