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Serial ports/Speak Freely/Video/Installation Dependencies...

Hi all,

I just joined the mailing list since I just upgraded my 2 year old
Slackware installation to Debian 1.2.7 from ftp.debian.org.

All in all, I'd have to say I'm pleased but there are a few nagging

getty processed on ttyS1 block modem access to cua1.  When a getty is
running (getty, agetty, uugetty or mgetty) and I try to run kermit (or
minicom or statserial) I get a can't open device error.  Why?  They
didn't used to.  Is this a new kernel feature?

Also, on another subject, is there any way network audio system can
co-exist with speak freely?  I use speak freely to listen to my house
while I'm at work.  I have two dogs I like to keep and ear on.  Is
there any reason that I can only operate with -DAUDIO_BLOCKING?  I
have a SB16 installed and I think it supports bi-directional sound
(i. e. /dev/audio and /dev/mixer are independent).

Another general subject, what about video?  Are there any cheap ($500
or less) camera/frame grabber packages available?

Are there any order dependencies on these "packages".  After
installing emacs and emacs-el, I get a File mode specification error:
(file-error "Cannot open load file" "sh-script") after doing a C-x C-f
on a new file.

Keep up the good work and thanks for your attention and I'll try to
reciprocate when I know something someone else doesn't...


Applied Digital Access, Inc.
San Diego, CA 92121

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