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Re: dpkg and deb files

On Fri, 19 Dec 1997 10:38:50 GMT, "Rick" wrote:
> HI (Me again)
> I am still having major problems with dpkg and deb files, as suggested i
> have re downloaded the deb files several times, both with cute ftp (in
> binary mode) and msie, yet when ever i try to install them with dpkg i
                   ^^^^ jokes aside, this has had probs with binaries

> always get the same error messages. unexpected eof, something about the
> archive not being in gzip format, if fact the same messagaes you get when
> tring to install anyole file (ie not a deb). I have getting nowwhere at

Well, I don't know what file format you're referring to, but certain 
files require use of tar or gunzip (.tgz, .tar.gz, .tar, .gz).

> all. I have tried installing from both mounted vfat and msdos partitions,
> and copying the files to /tmp, but still no joy at all, I have checked the

I see you used binary mode, and that's good, but the first thing I'd do 
is confirm that the files are intact.  The first test I'd do would be 
to a byte comparison because files can be abbreviated by interrupted 
transfers.  Are the files you have exactly the same size as where you 
got them? You can do an "ls -l" from the ftp directory.  Next, I'd try 
to use dpkg to get info from the files, as a good first to check to 
confirm that the file format is proper.  I think you just type `dpkg -i 
filename' (see the man page).

> packages file and have not missed any dependcys that i know of (trying to
> get manpages to work, so i have, man-db, manpages, groff, and a lib
> required by groff) and nothing will install at all. - *HELP!*

Hmm..I wonder if your filesystems are mounted properly and you have the 
proper permissions set on the mount points for the dos partitions.  I 
know you said you tried /tmp, so that should be ruled out.  You are 
root, I take it?

David Stern


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