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kernel-module version mismatch...


When I try insmod paride, which was compiled my me running kernel 2.0.32
and /usr/src/linux is link against 2.0.32 kernel, I get this error:

/lib/modules/2.0.32/misc/paride.o: kernel-module version mismatch
        /lib/modules/2.0.32/misc/paride.o was compiled for kernel version 2.0.29
        while this kernel is version 2.0.32. 

The 2.0.29 was the kernel that came with Debian 1.3.*, but since then, I have
rolled my own though not in debian way. I have also tried other modules that
were compiled outside the kernel compile, and I get same message.

Hope someone has a hint as to what is causing this.

        Thanks for any help,

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