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Real Audio Solutions

	Krist, i've been trying to get real player working from netscape
for some time now, I correctly had rvplayer %s before, but i noticed a
mailcap error causing netscape to bitch about incorrect syntax when trying
to execute rvplayer, my new ~/.mailcap is as so:
audio/x-pn-realaudio;rvplayer %s)

I had to add the ) at the end because the errors were something along the
lines of mismatched ()'s, but that only supresses some errors, so until
i've figured it out, if someone else does, please let me know, its quite
annoying having to download or enter a url manually....

 dA' Phucilage Phactory    *Yesturday upon the stair,    *
                           *I met a guy who wasn't there,*
                           *He wasn't there again today, *
 phucilag@phucilage.net    *I think he's from the CIA.   *
                                    author unknown

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