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Re: Wow, and some questions

On Sat, 14 Jun 1997 18:37:20 -0400, Alan Woo wrote:
> [..]
> 1) I am incredibly knowledgable in Win95/NT. will i be able to run both
> Operating Systems if i partition my hdd?

No problem.  After you make room for linux and begin installation, 
you'll need to decide where you want lilo (linux boot loader) to 
reside.  After some experimentation and listening to others, I decided 
the safest location was on the linux root partition ( "/" ), which must 
be a primary partition for this to work.  This way you don't have to 
worry about overwriting the mbr (it won't touch windoze).

Remember to change the active partition to your linux root partition to 
boot linux, then you can setup windoze to boot from lilo after reading 
the docs.

If you ever want to boot windoze directly, all you gotta do is pull out 
your dos boot disk and run dos fdisk to change the active partition to 
the windoze partition, then hit the reset button (can also be done from 
linux fdisk).

If you want to use the fips utility to divide your dos partition, go 
ahead and try it out (worked for me), but remember it's potentially 
destructive, and a fresh install is probably a much better idea, more 
partition size options also.

> 2) how do i install it (just a quick overview, i've read over the
> installation a lot, and it is really difficult to understand, for me...)

Here's how I did it: 1.) insert cdrom  2.) reboot

You can buy a cdrom at several places including where I got mine:
	http://www.lsl.com         (good book deals, too)

If your pc doesn't boot cdroms, you'll need to write the disk images 
using rawrite utility from dos.  See the readme for details.  rawrite 
is in /dosutils at the debian ftpsite.  ftp://ftp.debian.org

> 3) i'm in! it's AMAZING (i'm assuming), how do i set up communications
> for a win95 compatible modem? Now that i have it, can i download a web
> browser for it from win95 then open it in linux? or is disk format
> totally different?
> - if so, what do i do?

If you have one of the fabled "winmodems", you need to go out and buy a 
real modem.  If it's not a winmodem but plug n play, you need to 
configure it first. If you can do that with jumpers, go for it.  If 
not, you'll need to use the isapnptools package (or a similar package). 
 See the isapnp faq at the homepage for details.  If you have an 
"mwave" modem, you'll have to search to find out how to get that to 
work with linux--it requires extra work.

> 4) What productivity software is available? (word processing etc)

See the linux woven goods website (if busy, try back later)


David Stern


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