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Wow, and some questions

i was amazed at the help i got from you people at this list, i got a
message about 20 minutes after i asked a question. That was amazing,
thanks to all who helped. Anyways, things will hopefully soon be sorted
out, and i will soon be a new linux user.

I have very little knowledge of linux though, so i have a few questions.
(i'm going to buy a book soon).

1) I am incredibly knowledgable in Win95/NT. will i be able to run both
Operating Systems if i partition my hdd?

2) how do i install it (just a quick overview, i've read over the
installation a lot, and it is really difficult to understand, for me...)

3) i'm in! it's AMAZING (i'm assuming), how do i set up communications
for a win95 compatible modem? Now that i have it, can i download a web
browser for it from win95 then open it in linux? or is disk format
totally different?
        - if so, what do i do?

4) What productivity software is available? (word processing etc)

Thanks so much all, have a great holiday season!
Alan W

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