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Re: dunc pppd configuration script

Bill Leach writes:
> One question that I have: Is it true that ALL ISPs that use chap or pap
> authentication also do not require an initial login?  I don't personally
> know of any exceptions but I also don't see any technical reason why it
> would not be possible to use chap following login.

I've never heard of it and can think of no reason anyone would do it, but I
believe it is possible.  As long as the client has the right stuff in
pap-secrets, it should work fine on Linux.  I doubt Windows could handle it,
though, which makes it *very* unlikely anyone would use it.

> The "non-login" modes are probably much more straight forward (though I
> note that bo examples and docs did not seem to even recognize that there
> was such a thing).

PAP and CHAP are very simple, and rapidly becoming the most common system.
I don't understand why they are not documented.

> Is there any chance that there is a "non-authenticated" ppp initiation
> followed by a login in use?

I can't see how that would work.  What would you log in to? Once the link
is up you are connected directly to his kernel.
John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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