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Re: dunc pppd configuration script

Hi John;

One question that I have:  Is it true that ALL ISPs that use chap or pap
authentication also do not require an initial login?  I don't personally
know of any exceptions but I also don't see any technical reason why it
would not be possible to use chap following login.

It also seems to me that there are three ways to initiate ppp for "login
type" ISPs.  The first is that upon login, the host starts the LCP
negotiation, 2) The host waits for a \n and then starts negotiation, 3)
the host requires a specific command after login to start ppp.  Though I
have not seen or even heard of this, I presume that another possible
scenerio is that the host "monitors" for an incomming LCP negotiation.

The "non-login" modes are probably much more straight forward (though I
note that bo examples and docs did not seem to even recognize that there
was such a thing).  Is there any chance that there is a
"non-authenticated" ppp initiation followed by a login in use?

>Richards multiple provider solution

I will have to have a look at that.  I seem to have it "solved" now but
have not yet tried under "other" user accounts... so I might be under the
illusion that I have it working right.

John, I am NOT "ragging" on you (or anyone else really).  While Linux has
the potential to "meet anyone's needs" better than anything else
available, trying to produce packages and configuration utilities that can
deal with all of the variation (or even most of the common ones) is
anything but trivial.

[and yes, I know that my "anyone's needs" claim is a bit far fetched.
For example people whoes needs include always having compatibility with
M$ product files will find Linux "falling short" often--how often depends 
upon how often M$ releases a new version or update]

I think that anyone that even casually watches the Linux development
effort just about has to be in awe of the accomplishments.  The rapidity
with which developers seem to deal with new information is stunning.

      bleach@BellSouth.net  b.leach@Worldnet.att.net
           b.leach@usa.net  LinuxPC@Hotmail.com
    -->Please note wrl@bellsouth.net does not work<--
     -->nor does <anyone>@<anyhost>.wconsult.com<--
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