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Re: HTTP background tool

Dale Martin writes:
 > I use "snarf".  It can do command line grabs from http, finger, ftp, and
 > gopher.  Seems to work reasonably well, and it's super simple to use.
 > I'm not sure if it's still available or not - I don't see it in my mirror.
 > Let me know if it's not - I'll package it.

 I looked and it isn't there...

 Such tools can come in handy, as an example I just downloaded some
excel tables from a http site, where I took the actual index for some
company shares.  Then transfer it into the accounting server I am
writing, and used the accounting client to display a line chart of the 
index of the company I was interested in.

 No need to keep your fingers on a Dynosaur like web browser to hop
from one site to the next over slow links to get that info.  Just have 
it automatically transferred to your machine, then have a script pin
out the information you're interested in and put it into your books...

 That's Unix :-)

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