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Philosophical question

Hi all,
    I guess this doesn't pertain specifically to Debian, but I have a
philosophical question about software upgrades, and I just thought I would take
a poll to see what Joe Debian User (or Jane Debian-User) thinks...

    So I bought a new machine in October, and from the outset I wanted to run
Linux on it.  After asking a friend what brand to use, he suggested Debian.  In
fact, we basically downloaded his setup onto my machine.  So now that I
basically have the system up and running the way I want it (modulo getting the
printer pass-through feature working on the ZIP drive), I thought I would ask
how often I should look to upgrade things like the kernel and libc libraries
and such.  I am not shy about trying new things, but once I have put a lot of
effort into something and have it running nicely, I tend to be sluggish about
rocking the boat, and upgrading to keep up with the times...(when I was a kid,
we didn't even HAVE xemacs, we used all those CNTRL commands... :)  )

I hope I don't sound heretical:  I imagine that a lot of people like Linux for
the fact that there is something new to try every week or two. :) (or more
often?)  But practically, how often do people think it is worth the trouble to
upgrade major software components?  Every six months?  Every year?

Thanks in advance for your (humble) opinions :)
Larry Gariepy

Disclaimer:  The views expressed in my opinions are not necessarily my own.

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