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Re: majordomo problem

G John,

  Have you checked out the sample configurations in the /usr/doc/majordomo
directory?  These are pretty helpful in setting up your system alias file to
provide the proper syntax.

Steve Mayer

G John Lapeyre wrote:

>         I can't seem to get majordomo to work. I don't understand much
> about setting uid 's .  The following transcript is an example of what
> happens when I try to use it.  I tried looking at man pages on sendmail,
> exim, and several docs on majordomo.  I searched debian bug reports and
> web and usenet archives.  Anyone have an idea ?
>         If you find the anwer, you can win a free copy of my fvwmconf
> program.
> homey 4 > echo 'lists' | mail majordomo@homey
> homey 5 > 1997-12-03 14:21:43 0xdMEn-0000Dj-00 Neither the system_aliases
> director nor the a
> ddress_pipe transport set a uid for local delivery of
> |/usr/lib/majordomo/wrapper majordomo
> G John Lapeyre
> <lapeyre@physics.arizona.edu>
> Tucson,AZ     http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre
> --
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