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Anti-relaying rules for smail?


Some guy is relaying a huge lot of spam e-mail via my computer. My
computer is normally only used by myself and I do receive a lot of e-mail
through several lists, but this guy caused /var/log/smail/logfile to be 41
MB (that's right, forty-one MEGABYTES) [1]. Does anyone know how to
prevent such actions, apart from blocking smtp traffic from his computer
[2]?  I tried mailing his postmaster (using his IP address, not the From:
line), but I got a 'message undeliverable' (or something like that) error.

What I would want is a filter that blocks any attempt of sending an e-mail
from another host to a user at a third host. I beleive this is called
relaying.  The filter should look at the 'rcpt to:' smtp command, not at
the 'From:' or 'To:' headers. I know this can be done with sendmail, but
how do I do it with smail?


[1] this file is rotated once a day like on any default Debian system

[2] this doesn't prevent others from doing the same trick

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