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Re: starnge behavior of the list

In article <y9h3ekehu3v.fsf@always.got.net>,
	che@debian.org (Ben Gertzfield) writes:
> I've gotten them all twice today as well -- from what seems to be a
> usenet <-> debian-user gateway somewhere in Britain.

Looks to me like the gateway operator overlooked the Distribution: header in
his news/mail gateway.  This weekend I completed setting up the Newsgate
package so I've had the (dis)pleasure of getting it all to work.

What I found (as usual the docs are just a bit opaque) is that, when
gatewaying mail to news you can specify a distribution header.  I do it
like this in my .procmailrc (note the -d switch):

* ^TOdebian-user
| /usr/bin/mail2news -n debian.user -d local -x internet


Then, to keep your news2mail gateway from redistributing the messages that
have arrived through your mail2news gateway, you exclude that particular 
distribution like this (from my cnews /etc/news/sys file):

internet:debian.user/all,!local::news2mail debian-user@lists.debian.org

                                       _ _                  
Steve Kostecke                        | (_)_ __  _   ___  __
steve@kostecke.net                    | | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /
http://kostecke.home.ml.org           | | | | | | |_| |>  < 
                                      |_|_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\

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