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Re: diald & cached webpages

> Isn't there some kind of cache software, though?  I don't know what
> it's called, but it caches webpages locally, and won't querry the
> remote server unless the page isn't in the cache?  What is it called?
> Would it work?

Well you forced me to pick my brain.. so you asked for it..

An offline web browser tool that works with several browsers, caches
pages, and marks links that you want to go to (but are not cached) for
later retrieval, and other cool stuff. (Says it works with Netscape too)

Automates the downloading of web pages from a web site.  (Sorta like a
crawler in some respects) "the economical way to browse the web" --taken
from the banner of the web page.

Give these guys a go.  The former option even intrigued me...

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