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Sound question.

I have successfully compiled the sound driver with support for my cheap
Ensoniq Soundscape clone (made by Reveal).  This installs fine, and I
have verifyed that I am getting sound output by cat'ing a few .au files
to /dev/audio, and I even picked up the mpg123 player to try out the
Windows95suck.mp3 *grin*..  however, there is one problem and I'm not
sure where to look for the solution.

When playing .au files, the sound will play for about 8-10 seconds
suddenly beccome choppy and then I'll get this error message:

cat: write error: I/O error

Also, when using mpg123, it plays each 2 seconds of sound like 6 times
before moving on to the next 2 seconds.  

This is REALLY annoying, as the output sounds correct.  I imagine this
to be some sort of buffering problem.. but I don't know where to look.

The sound buffer is set to 65535 (the maximum) so I don't see a problem
there.. and yet...

Anyone run across this problem before?

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