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Xlock questions

I have some questions related to xlock:

1. In `xlock -mode random', one of the modes is the Linux logo.  It is (I
think) supposed to bounce around the screen.  Instead, it just sits there, and
also seems to stop the `random' rotation of modes.  Why does this happen?  Is
there a fix?  I looked at the current bug reports for xlockmore, but didn't
see this listed.  I've got: "XLock version xlockmore-4.02.1".

2. I'd also like to know how to request that mode (the Linux logo) directly.
Is it an `-imagefile'?  If so, where is it?  I couldn't find it anywhere,
except in the xlockmore source pacackage (which I don't keep on my system).
Is it compiled in to the xlock binary?

3. I can't seem to get `-mode image' to work.  I tried:

	xlock -imagefile FILE -mode image

with FILE in each of several formats (xpm, xbm, ras, gif).  For the xpm file,
xlock said "unrecognized format", despite the explicit mention of XPM in the
man page.  For the others, I just got a blank screen.  What's the trick?

4. Is there a way to get xlock to activate itself automatically, after a
specified amount of idle time?  If not, is there some other screen saver that
will do this?  Or some utility that can be used in conjunction with xlock?



   David S. Zelinsky

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