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Q: SVGA X Server Fails w/16bpp

I just installed debian on my home PC.  I mirrored
almost everything from debian on my Laptop.  I
couldn't mirror the X Server Config because of diff
graphic cards.  The SVGA X Server works for 8bpp,
but fails for 16bpp.  My cirrus logic card will support
16bpp colors.

Here's the scoop.  The PC is a Compaq 486/50 with
32MB RAM, Cirrus Logic GD-CL5428 w/1MB DRAM.
I used XF86Config and selected all the standard inputs.
I think the card uses a intergrated RAMDAK, so I selected
a "normal" RAMDAK.  I selected the following options:
linear, fast_dram and no_bitblt.  I tried setting the MemBase
as recommended in the cirrus docs, but it caused my PC
to lockup and I couldn't reboot it.  I had to turn it off and
it hosed the file system.  I have to run fsck everytime and
I've gotten scared to continue trying to get it to work.

Any help would be great.

Dean C. Sullinger

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