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Re: Eth0

On Mon, 24 Nov 1997, Greg Green wrote:

: I am trying to get my local lan going and cannot seem to figure out how
: to make the kernal see the ethernet card. I am using a 3com 3509 and I
: know that the driver is there.  When I use ifconfig I run into problems
: such as "SIOCSIFADDR: no such device".  Eth0 is not even in /dev, so I
: tried MAKEDEV -c eth0 and the error is "unkown device or group eth0".
: Can anyone help me get this configured properly? I would appreciate any
: input.
: Thanks,
: Greg Green
: greg@advantagecom.com

In addition to the other responces you have received, I've found it
useful to grab the DOS config utility that came with your card (you
didn't get such a utility?? Check out http://www.3com.com) and configure
the 509 so it is NOT in PnP mode.

I've seen 509s work out of the box with Linux, and I've seen plenty that
wouldn't until they were reconfigured to not be PnP. Thank 3Com for

Also, running 3C5X9CFG.EXE will give you a chance to see what io port
and interrupt the card's going to attempt to use, and the opportunity to
change those if they conflict with existing devices.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet - 410 South Phillips Avenue - Sioux Falls, SD  57104
Voice: (605) 334-4454 Fax: (605) 335-1173
email: nnorman@midco.net or  nathan_norman@mmi.net
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