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Re: diald vs ipmasquerade

At 09:38 AM 11/22/97 +0000, Chuma Agbodike wrote:
>Do diald and ipmasquerading serve the same purpose ?
>Or do I have to use both ? I have a 3 node ethernet lan.
>The all had windows on them. Now I installed Linux 2.0.29 (debian 1.3)
>on the unit that has the modem on it. And would like the other units
>to access the internet via the modem on LINUX unit.
>So I have diald running on the linux. The windows node have the
>linux unit as their gateway. But if I ping an IP diald doesn't dial.
>What next ?
As you suspect you need to recompile the kernel with ip masquerading.  You
will also want to add ipfwadm rules. 

Good luck


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