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Re: to find fastest debian mirror

Nice program.

Adding the "-s 1024" flag to ping would make the packets closer to the
size of FTP packets, and make the results more accurate.

I would suggest that the program create its own temporary directory under
/tmp and delete it when it is done, rather than insist that ~/tmp exist.
Set your umask so that others do not have write permissions on the directory
and its files _before_ you create the directory. Mkdir will fail if any of
the security problems exist.

Please do some AWK work to take the number of dropped packets into account. 
"Speed" should probably be something like:

	reliability = (100 - dropped_packet_percentage) / 100
	real_speed = speed * reliability

Indeed, because of the re-transmission delay for dropped packets, you
may want to increase the penalty for them above this.


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