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Sound Module missing / isapnp AWE64

	Hi folks,

I`ve got my hands on an AWE64 Value and am trying like buggery to get it
working. Installed ISAPNP , shoved it in the init.d files BUT......
In order for this technique to work Soundblaster needs to be installed
as a module. Trouble is... using xconfig the Sound stuff can only be
compiled straight in. The modulise option is ghosted out. Looking in
/libs/modules I see the sound module is missing altogether. Hence..
the AWE will never get initialised. In modconf , the sound option is missing

P.S. After solving the above trouble I could also do with some help in 
setting up my isapnp.conf for this card. If anyone has one of these working
could they mail me their .conf?

Debian 1.3.1
kernel 2.0.30 (tried going back to 2.0.29 too.. Still missing)


   __ _ _                
  /  \ \ \ 
 / / / / / |-Brian Skreeg--------IRC:_Ozzy-|
 \__/  \ \ |-Lead guitarist extraordinaire-|
    \__/_/ |-I don't look like two zombies-|

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