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Re: netscape4_4.0-6.deb w/o libc6!

On Thu, Nov 20, 1997 at 10:29:38AM -0500, Brian K Servis wrote:
> Does anybody know were to find a netscape4_4.0-6.deb that does not depend
> on libc6, so that I can use it on a 1.3.1 system?  Why does it need to
> depend on libc6 anyway?

It looks like the installer package was built using "fakeroot", which causes
a spurious libc6 dependency for a libc5 package if the maintainer is

> I could modify the control file but I don't know how to put the pieces
> back together once I have extracted them using ar and tar.  Any simple
> step on doing this would be helpful as well, without pointing me to the
> package maintainers documents.

As the dependency is wrong (there is nothing actually depending on libc6 in
the netscape installer package), you can safely tell dpkg to ignore it; 
something like dpkg --ignore-depends=libc6 -i netscape*deb ought to do the

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