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Re: How to use dpkg -b ??

Debian List <debian@linux1.americasnet.com> writes:
> Ok I tried the dpkg-source -x and here's the error I got:
> dpkg-source: error: tarfile `./mgetty_1.1.8.orig.tar.gz' contains object
> (mgetty-1.1.8/README.1st) not in expected directory (mgetty-1.1.8.orig)

Reading the dpkg packaging manual:

    *3.4 Unpacking a Debian source package without dpkg-source*

    dpkg-source -x is the recommended way to unpack a Debian source
    package. However, if it is not available it is possible to unpack a
    Debian source archive as follows:

       1.  Untar the tarfile, which will create a .orig directory.
       2.  Rename the .orig directory to package-version.
       3.  Create the subdirectory debian at the top of the source tree.
       4.  Apply the diff using patch -p0.
       5.  Untar the tarfile again if you want a copy of the original
	   source code alongside the Debianised version.

It is probably necessary to do this by hand, as it looks like
dpkg-source breaks on this particular package.  This might be a bug in
mgetty or in dpkg-source.
Ben Pfaff <pfaffben@pilot.msu.edu> <blp@gnu.org> <pfaffben@debian.org>

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