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Re: Linux + NT

Alfredo Todini <mc0736@mclink.it> writes:
> I have two disks: a 1Gb disk, with Windows 95, and a 2GB disk, with
> Linux. Now I need to replace Windows 95 with Windows NT. I read the
> Linux+NT mini-HOWTO, and it suggests to install Linux after NT. However
> I absolutely cannot destroy or damage my Linux partition; is it possible
> to install NT without damaging other partitions? I've heard that the NT
> installation erases everything else you have on your system; is it true?
> Thank you very much in advance.

NT can install itself dual-boot on an existing 95 installation without
wiping anything out, if you have the space for it.
Ben Pfaff <pfaffben@pilot.msu.edu> <blp@gnu.org> <pfaffben@debian.org>

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