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XDM freezes keyboard: problem and solution

I have a problem with a solution, in case someone else hits the same
problem. I also hope that someone can provide a fuller explanation of
the problem, since mine has a few gaps.

I installed Debian 1.1 on 12 September 1996, then reinstalled 1.3.1 on
9 August 1997 from Linux System Labs CDs. I thought I had completely
re-installed, but now I wonder.

On 29 October 1997, xdm failed to respond to the keyboard. I
discovered today (13 November 1997) that xdm was started by
/etc/rc2.d/S01xdm, as the *first* service to start in runlevel 2. I
found that other installed systems had xdm starting last but 1, as
/etc/rc2.d/S99xdm, just before /etc/rc2.d/S99rmnologin. After renaming
the xdm link to /etc/rc2.dS99xdm, I had no more problem.

I conjecture that the problem has to do with trying to log in through
xdm before rmnologin has finished. If my conjecture is correct, then
there is still a small danger that xdm wins the race and locks. Since
the only way to reboot from the locked keyboard appears to be hardware
reset, there is some danger of file system damage.

I have no clue how I had the wrong sequence number for xdm in /etc/rc2.d.

Mike O'Donnell

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