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Re: PPP kill problem

My ISP recently had some problems with their dialtone provider which meant
I often had to make several attempts before connecting.  Like you, I
didn't want to wait for PON to start over.  You have two choices:

1.)  You can remove the 'persist' option from /etc/ppp.options_out (bo) or
     from /etc/ppp/peers/provider (hamm), in which case PON will die if it
     get the stutter-dialtone from your voicemail, or...

2.)  If you want to keep the 'persist' option (as I did), you can create a
     button on your fvwm-buttonbar called 'kpon' (or whatever) which
     executes the command 'killall chat;killall pppd'.  This will kill PON
     quickly and completely.  You can also, of course, simply execute this
     command from the prompt.

My voicemail (USWest in Seattle) allows an option to 'turn notification
off', which means that there is no stutter-dialtone, even if I have new
messages.  Of course, it also means I have to regularly check for new
messages as there is nothing to let me know when I have them. :)

hope this helps,

Matt Thompson       mattyt@oz.net
MZI, Inc.           v-206.430.3726
707 S. Grady Way    f-206.430.3420
Renton, WA  98055   matt.thompson@mzi.com

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