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RPM packages.

I'm trying to install "sane" (Scanner Access Now Easy) using 
rpm packages for the gtk+ (Gimp Tool Kit) and sane binaries. 
[ The Debian gimp package does not seem to provide the gimp 
libraries that I need to compile the sane sourece code. ]
Using 'alien --auto package-name.rpm', I get error messages 
of the form:

dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: unknown output from ldd on
`debian/tmp/lib/libgtk.so.1.0.0': ` ./debian/tmp/lib/libgtk.so.1.0.0
=> ./debian/tmp/lib/libgtk.so.1.0.0'
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: unknown output from ldd on
`debian/tmp/lib/libgtk.so.1.0.0': ` libgdk.so.1 => not found'

In the end I have something installed, but it is broken. E.g:

galois:~> scanimage
scanimage: can't load library 'libsane.so.0'

I see that in hamm I have the libgtk1 libraries and libgtk-dev. 
Can I use these without a complete upgrade to libc6?

And suggestions?


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