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Re: xplaycd works without sound output

On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, Joost Kooij wrote:

> You'll want to add the users that must be able to read the raw cdrom
> device (as opposed to a mounted filesystem on the cdrom) to the cdrom
> group. The same with group audio.
> This is done with the adduser command.
>   adduser <username> <groupname>
> will add <username> to <groupname> (don't actually type the <'s and >'s,
> those are special characters and may confuse the shell and you.)

The way I read the above you would have to add a user that is in group
cdrom, one that is in group audio, etc. This is nonsense, of course. Any
user can be in many different groups. I don't know a standard utility for
adding a user to a group, but doing it 'by hand' is real simple.

Suppose you have a user you want to add to the group 'cdrom'. As root,
edit /etc/group and look for the line starting with the word 'cdrom'.
After the last colon (:) on that line, you can add a comma-separated list
of users that should be in that group. If you are using shadow passwords,
do the same with /etc/gshadow.

For example, I have this line in /etc/group:


and this line in /etc/gshadow:


You don't need to do this for a user's 'main' group (which has the same
name as the user on a Debian system), because it is specified in

After you have saved the file(s), the users that you have added to the
group only need to login to become a member of the group. Already
logged-in users need to logout and login to become a member of the group.


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