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mouse/X compatibility problem

   I am mailing a message that I posted earlier on the newsgroup because a
friend of mine informed me that many people subscribe to the list but do
not check the newsgroup that often.
I am a new Debian user.  With a great deal of help from a friend (read:
he installed and debugged it for me), I now have Debian Linux 1.3.1 on
my Pentium 233.   It is set up as a dual boot machine, with Win95.

My problem is that X Windows doesn't seem to recognize my mouse, though
it works under Win95, and you even get a mouse cursor when logged in to
a vt100 terminal.  The mouse is just a standard Microsoft serial mouse.

If anyone has had this problem, or even if you haven't and know how to
fix it, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Larry Gariepy

ps.  I have two friends who are Debian gurus, and they were unable to
diagnose the problem (other than to recommend buying a new mouse!), so
it leads me to believe this problem is non-trivial.

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