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RE: The real Debian.org

Þann 26-Oct-97 skrifar Dave Cinege:
> Take heed people. This is what happens if you dare challenge the leadership
> of the 
> Debian project.
  It happens everywhere, if you challenge the leader of a group.

> Personal attacks, compliants to your service provider, banishment from the 
> project. They will gang-up on you and drive you away..... You all should be
> ashamed of yourselves.
  There are many things, people should be ashamed of themselves for... but
people will continue to be people, non the less.

> If you are new to Debian, please don't make the mistake I made. This is a
> closed 
> software project, where you are allowed to contribute only if you surcome to
> the 
> personal agenda of the current leadership. This is the structure and model of
> the 
> project, make no bones about it.
  Now you've learned... But you shouldn't feel angry, pushed or vengeful.
People sell themselves, for a little attention... from those who they term
as the "leadership"... that's nothing to hate people for, because it's human.
And although people throw harsh words at you, it's not because they are
"ganging" on you.  But because they are protecting themselves... they feel,
that by attacking the leader, you are attacking the distribution and thus
ultimately... them.

  We've all been tought that argumentation is what makes intelligent
people... and the only way you can ever argue somone on your side, is when
it will benefit that somone.  We are all animals, and our ultimate goal is
to feed... thus, next time you present your arguments on an issue, put
your feelings aside and present them in a way where your arguments will
"clearly" serve and benefit the interest of those, whom you present it
to... and, present it to the right crowd.

Orn Einar Hansen                         oe.hansen@oehansen.pp.se
                                        voice+fax; +46 035 217194

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