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Tape Drives (SCSI vrs. Parallel)

Hello again everyone,

A little ways back I asked some things about Tape Drives, and I 
really appreciate all the responses. One last thing, though.

I lot of people mentioned one with a SCSI card, but I think that I 
can only afford a parallel port one. Now, I know that it will be 
slower, but that is ok. Speed doesn't matter as much for me...

My main question is about reliability. I know a SCSI is better that 
way, but would my backups be seriously less reliable of I use the 
parallel port version of the 1gig (well 2gig with compression) Iomega 
Ditto drive?

My primary use would be for backing up program archives and
datafiles (zips, movie files, pictures, etc), and probably weekly
hard drive backups, so I wouldn't be using it constantly... Also, do
the backup programs usually have some sort or error correction while
backing up?

Thanks again everyone,


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