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Re: cdwrite trouble: SENSE_ERROR

Thanks to all who offered help on getting my Yamaha CDR400tx (1.0d) CD
recorder working, especially to Nathan Norman who pointed me to
where I discovered that cdwrite-2.0 does not support the CDR400tx but
that cdrecord-1.5 does.

There does not seem to be a Debian package for cdrecord (is someone
working on this?) so I built it from the source at
and it works great!

I do seem to have a reliability issue with some fairly cheap green on
gold CDRs.  (US$4 ea @ qty 100 with a black label thermally printed on
them by a local company -- supposed to be Sony CDRs, but they were
totally blank before being printed).  The cdrom drives on a couple of
our UNIX boxes can't seem to reliably mount them if they are written
at 4X, but (so far, at least) they seem to be OK if written at 1X or
2X.  Does write speed affect the quality of the CDR?

Also, are gold on gold CDRs supposed to be better?  I found what I
think is a pretty good deal on some HP C4432A gold on gold CDRs at
CompUSA -- qty 25 for US$70 minus US$20 rebate (limit two on the

Kirk Hilliard

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