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Re: THANKS 4 - WinNT syscalls insecurity (fwd)

Nuts! I'm damn glad that you sent what you sent to the list!
Considering how much space is already wasted on irrelevant 
flame wars on who's in charge of what and in what manner, 
it's refreshing to see useful, detailed information about 
real code and what's going on in NT.

This I can take to someone and point out why they should be 
considering Debian. I don't have the time to check out every 
URL that someone includes in a post. Thank you!!! Please 
include me in any future mailings of yours.

Best Regards, JohnT

"Improvement succeeded each other so rapidly, 
that machines which had never been finished were 
abandoned in the hands of their makers, because 
new improvements had superceded their utility." 

Charles Babbage 'On the Economy of Manufactures', 1832

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