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Re: From Slackware to Debian

On Fri, 17 Oct 1997 tfoong@patrick.com.au wrote:

> My install Problems. ...
> How I installed it -
> ...
>    - I did NOT have the packages.gz file.

This is the problem. Dselect needs to have a structure like this:

  \__non-free  (with the same structure, optional)
  \__contrib   (with the same structure, optional)

You got to prepare a situation like above (You can hack around it with
symlinks, I did that today, worked well). The Packages.gz can contain more
entries than you have, so don't worry if you leave out X or other
packages. But dselect gets all its information from there. (Think about an
ftp install, would be too much to scan all directories and then getting
the information for all packages separately).

Then you step through menuentry 1, 2, 3, and then you got to cycle
randomly between 4 (install) and 5 (configure).

(*here's a difference between slack and deb: in slackware you configure
the package before installing it, in debian you install it and then
configure it. Okk, in slackware you config, make, install, config,
config, config. *grin*  ok, not funny. sorry.)

> * I copied the boot directory to the dos machine
>   and ran rebooted from there.
> The Install seemed to run OK.  I thought I selected all
> the required packages.  (it seemed it be able to pick up all
> the available packages even when I did not have package.gz)
> I thought it would install the  the packages with a "*" character
> ( in dselect).
> However when I rebooted it only had 18MB installed and
> no "man" no "less" no nothing.

I think it's because there's no Package.gz. You can still select the
packages, but they're somewhat like unavailable in this state. when you
run "1. [U]pdate list of available packages" after setting 
"0. [A]ccess  Choose the access method to use." to mounted, you should
be ready to go.

> I tried running dselect again and zippo nada nothing gets installed.
> I must be missing something simple....

What exactly looked the errors you got like? (run dselect | tee if you
can't write so fast, there's no logfile *gulp* )

> ** Another question is with the NE2000 install.
> ** An another problem is that once I Installed Linux I could not
>   my DOS partition anymore. The install routine did not give me

can't help with this. sorry. anyone?

> I was also planning to put several partitions on the hardisk
> there was some documentation with some suggested
> partition sizes for a 1.6 gig hardisk.

I am relatively new to linux. I am asking back: What is bad about one big
partition? I have it like that, I am flexible as hell, and have no clear
problems with it. 

Lukas Eppler (godot)

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