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>> hello, all,
>> I tried to install the GIMP and xtar, and when trying to run both, I get
>> the same error message:
>> xtar: can't load library 'libXm.so.2'   ...and:
>> gimp: can't load library 'libXm.so.2'


 Now if I remember correctly, libXm.so.2 is shared Motif v2. library.
 As Motif is commercial product, it is not included with Debian. 
 You are now trying to use dynamically linked versions, that need
 Motif. You can find statically linked versions of both programs, 
 which are linked against Motif so, that they have it inside, and 
 don't need it installed. 

 As for GIMP, there is new version in hamm, that uses GTK (GNU Tool Kit)
 instead of Motif. 


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