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Re: Install over firewall

Well that script doesn't work (total brain failure). However this one
works in most circumstances. Unfortunately it's got a bit bigger and will
grow even larger when I add a bit more intelligence into it.

/* makes ftp script to download all packages
   marked for install which are different from 
   currently installed version */

echo bin > $output
# ensure prefix ends in a backslash (unless it is blank)
awk -v prefix=$prefix \
'function check() { \
 if (get=="T") {list[pkg]=ver; get="F"} \
 else if (pkg in list)
   if (ver=="") print "ERROR: No version number for \"" pkg "\""
   else if (list[pkg] != ver)
       if (file=="") print "ERROR: No filename for \"" pkg "\"" >"/dev/stderr"
       else { ind = match(file,"[^/]*$"); \
         print "cd " prefix substr(file,1,ind-2) "\nget " substr(file,ind)
       } } \
BEGIN {get="F"} END {check()} /^[:blank:]*$/ {check(); file=""; ver=""}\
/^Package: / {pkg=$2} /^Status: install/ {get="T"} \
/^Version: / {ver=$2} /^Filename: / {file=$2}' \
/var/lib/dpkg/{status,available} >> $output

I'll probably try and put a little package together with a few scripts in
so that people can take a zip drive to work and download all their stuff
there rather than having a large phone bill.


email: adrian.bridgett@poboxes.com       | Artificial intelligence - the
http://www.poboxes.com/adrian.bridgett   | art of making computers act
PGP key available on public key servers  | like those in the movies

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