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Re: Wordperfect files in linux

>>"Ted" == Ted Harding <Ted.Harding@nessie.mcc.ac.uk> writes:

Ted> On 10-Oct-97 G. Kapetanios wrote:

>> Does anyone know of a program that will read WP files in linux ??

Ted> Yes. It is called WordPerfect. WordPerfect-6.0 (Novell) for Linux
Ted> has been available for a good while from Caldera
Ted> (http://www.caldera.com), and WordPerfect-7.0 for Linux (Corel)
Ted> has recently been issued (ported by Software Development Corp --
Ted> http://www.sdcorp.com).

	But what if he does not want the whole bloated word processor
 thingy? What if he has no desire to compose anything with WP ever?
 Why should he have to pay for all that unrequired functoinality to
 read one blipping file, which someone sent to him, and he needs to
 look at? 

Ted> The following remarks may not apply to George Kapetanios (and I
Ted> apologise in advance if by chance they cause offence): While it
Ted> is wonderful to have the Linux OS available both freely and for
Ted> free, and while it is also wonderful to have so much high-quality
Ted> free software available on the Net, there are certain types of
Ted> applications which are not as yet well served by the free-ware
Ted> resources. These tend to be in the "Office/Business" area,
Ted> including databases, word processors, spreadsheets, accounting,
Ted> project management, and the more sophisticated CAD/DTP
Ted> applications.

	You sir, have a chip on your shoulder. I need to look at some
 Word files that some one sent me, there is a perfectly
 reasonable program available that converts the proprietary format to
 TeX, which I can handle. Should I have to pay miscrosoft and Sun for

Ted> If you need to handle this sort of thing, you would pay good
Ted> money for them if your OS was DOS/Win, just to get the programs
Ted> you need to do the job.

	No, you pays the money for *all* the functionality of the
 wordprocessor. Not just to convert the files into a more reasonable
 (free) format.

Ted> Sorry for the sermon ...

	Make sure the sermon is justified before wasting bandwidth.

 who is pretty sure *his* sermon is justified.
 "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional." Author Unknown
Manoj Srivastava               <url:mailto:srivasta@acm.org>
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