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Re: my first package - xvgr

>> Now, I need someone who can help me with some questions from time to time.
>> I will have (and already have) questions which are not answered in
>> info or man or /usr/doc. I need some 'daddy' to help me find the way :-)
>> I could go to the debian-devel list, but I am afraid I would bother them
>> with my stupid questions. And, I don't want to upgrade to unstable yet, so
>> I may need someone who helps me with publishing.


 You are maintaining a package, right? A package-maintainer is a 
 developer, right? Hmm. I think you *should* be in debian-devel AFAIK. 

 Only stupid question is the one you don't ask. 

>> Let me advertise a bit more: If you think you may be able to debianise a
>> program, try it. Let debian be growing. :-)

 Just got to try, when I have some time. Or contribute something else. 
 Might start with some old and work-needing package, rather than to
 start packaging a brand new one. 


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