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Re: Work-Needing and Prospective Packages

Philippe Troin writes:
 > Work-Needing and Prospective Packages for Debian GNU/Linux
 > Philippe Troin, phil@fifi.org
 > $Id: packages.sgml,v 1.57 1997/10/06 09:59:38 phil Exp $
 > 6.  Programs that aren't available yet in Debian
 > Programs listed in this section aren't yet available as Debian
 > packages, but there has been an expressed desire to include them.
 > If you want to create a Debian package, send me an e-mail.
 > 6.1.  Programming and development:
 > 6.3.  Graphics:
 > 6.4.  X11:

Don't know in which of your section it would enter, but I suggest
someone packages the "Khoros" system (Huge development stuff mainly
aimed at data manipulation, with a powerful "visual programming"
language, toolboxes for signal and image processing, 2/3D data
visualization, matrix calculus, etc.)

It was one of the systems I had planned to package when I joined
Debian at first, but I never found enough time to start it.

In case anybody wants to take a look at it, primary site was
<ftp://ftp.khoros.unm.edu> last year, I think it would have stayed the
same ;)

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