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Sendmail forwarding...

Admittdly, this has squat to do with Debian in particular, but I figure
someone on here would know. 

I've currently got an NT server running Exchange 5, which serves as an
email host. It used to dialup to the net, deliver mail, hang up and
generally consume vast amounts of resources.

Theres now a linux machine hooked up to the network connected to the net
on a permanent basis. All outgoing email is redirected to that for
delivery. That bit works fine. [The Exchange server still consumes vast
amounts of resources, but thats neither here nor there]

Incoming mail is the problem. I wanna forward all incoming mail to the NT
server. Other than creating sendmail aliases for all accounts, which is
a bit of a heckle, coz they're adding/deleting users on a daily basis on 
the NT box, so the same work would need to be done on the Linux box.

Is there a way of forwarding ALL email via sendmail? I've read the faq
[albeit it briefly] and didn't come across what I was looking for.. 

It's currently running Sendmail 8.8.5 for what it's worth.

Any help would be appreciated...

D. [Anti-Microsoft Regime(tm)]

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