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RE: Sendmail forwarding...

Could you create a mailertable like this:

your-domain.dom         smtp:nt-machine.your-domain.dom


Or, if your NT machine is reachable from the internet, why not just set that
host as your MX for your-domain.dom so incoming mail goes to it in the first

On 24-Sep-97 Dale Harrison wrote:
>Admittdly, this has squat to do with Debian in particular, but I figure
>someone on here would know. 
>I've currently got an NT server running Exchange 5, which serves as an
>email host. It used to dialup to the net, deliver mail, hang up and
>generally consume vast amounts of resources.
>Theres now a linux machine hooked up to the network connected to the net
>on a permanent basis. All outgoing email is redirected to that for
>delivery. That bit works fine. [The Exchange server still consumes vast
>amounts of resources, but thats neither here nor there]
>Incoming mail is the problem. I wanna forward all incoming mail to the NT
>server. Other than creating sendmail aliases for all accounts, which is
>a bit of a heckle, coz they're adding/deleting users on a daily basis on 
>the NT box, so the same work would need to be done on the Linux box.
>Is there a way of forwarding ALL email via sendmail? I've read the faq
>[albeit it briefly] and didn't come across what I was looking for.. 
>It's currently running Sendmail 8.8.5 for what it's worth.
>Any help would be appreciated...
>D. [Anti-Microsoft Regime(tm)]
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