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Infomagic LDR debian, and, What's Hamm and Bo?


I've tried several times in the past year or so to install debian,
typically it installs ok from the 5 base floppies I make, but the kernel
hangs upon booting after the install. I suspect my odd NCR scsi card (an
ASUS SC-200) is confusing it, in combination with some other probing.

Anyway, I just got the Infomagic LDR 6-cd set from aug/sept. with Debian
1.3.1, are there any caveats before I try from it? I remember one some
time ago where it wasn't quite copied correctly to the Infomagic dist.

But before I can do this, I have to ask: I've read the Debian FAQ on the
web page, the part that explains the directory tree at the ftp sites; but
what it should explain but doesn't is, what is hamm and bo? I see mention
of these terms in announcements of new packages and on the lists but
nowhere is there a definition, or historical explanation; leaving
me to conclude that they must refer to hidden directories of proprietary
commercial code without source, or something ;-)


rg (perpetually a clueless linux newbie)

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