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Keyboard trouble

	I am trying to use a French-Canadian keyboard with Debian 1.1. 
During the Debian install I asked to use cf.map as the default keyboard
which is indeed loaded at boot.  However, it does not work marvelously

	I have been through the keyboard manpage, the keyboard HOWTO, and
two mini-HOWTO's to no great avail. The number of things it does not do
correctly are too numerous to to explicitly list, but I hope that a brief
selection will allow someone out there to spot a problem that can be

	The modifiers that are active are the following:

		keymaps 0-2, 4, 6, 8, 12

_AltGr:_ Some combinations seem to work, others not.  For example, the
	 following all work correctly. 

	keycode  3 = two		quotedbl 	at
	keycode 26 = dead_circumflex	asciicircum	bracketleft
	keycode 41 = numbersign		bar		backslash

These ones don't:

	keycode 2  = one		exclam		plusminus 
        keycode 24 = o
		altgr keycode 24 = section
        keycode 25 = p
		altgr keycode 25 = paragraph
	keycode 53 = eacute		Eacute		acute

	There are other examples of AltGr's that do and don't work.  What
the ones that don't work do varies with the environment (vi, bash, pine):

		1) nothing, 
		2) ring the ascii bell, 
		3) print out an hexadecimal number or 
                4) make the $ prompt disappear printing an (arg: 0), or an
		   (arg: 6), or some other (arg: ), then make the bash 
		   prompt reappear after pressing <return>, but not 
		   accomplishing anything useful.

_Ctrl_:  The right control key seems not to work at all.  I think this may
	 be because of its definition: 

		keycode 97 = Compose Control

But, Shift+right control doesn't work either, nor does Compose (There are
a number of compose definitions at the end of the keymap file). 

	As for the left Control key, it works for some things but not for
everything.  In Pine, on a dial up text account using terminal emulation via
minicom, Ctrl-C will work to cancel a message, as will Control-X to send
it, but none of Ctrl-O to postpone, Ctrl-^ to mark
text, Ctrl-K to cut, etc will.

	I think too much is going wrong for this to be strictly a keymap
file problem.  Besides, things seem to in order according to the help
documents mentionned above. 

	Any ideas or clues out there?  Thanks a lot

	Gerald Crimp

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