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Re: [ 0.84 Debian compile ?]

On Sep 18, joost witteveen wrote
> Have you tried to apply the debian patches for mutt_0.81 to mutt-0.84?
> Maybe the problem existed before 0.84, and the maintainer fixed it. (And,
> you could also have a look in the debian/rules file, to see if anything
> special happens in the "build" target).

I've reapplied the relevant parts of the 0.81 patches, and uploaded 0.84-1
this morning.

A general remark about my mutt packaging: I don't release a new version of
mutt as soon as it is available. In my experience, unmodified copies of the
upstream mutt package can be quite buggy, possibly due to its fast
development process. A couple of days after a new version is released,
Michael, Liviu and others will have fixed the big bugs, and I'll release a
mutt package based on the version that is then "crystalized out".

If someone has remarks about the Debian mutt package (or this release
strategy), I'd appreciate them by private email.

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