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Re: Running DOSEmu as a regular user...

Dale Martin <dmartin@ececs.uc.edu> writes:

Here's another datapoint on this problem - root (for our domain - not
me - doh!) gets this mail when I run it:

[ begin included mail ]

-- To: root@ececs.uc.edu
Subject: Illegal user
Sender: xxxxxx@ececs.uc.edu

Illegal DOSEMU user: uid=7023

[ end included mail ]

So, maybe dosemu can't look up the NIS information and get my
username?!  (I _am_ running mostly libc6 stuff now, and I now a lot of
that is broken.)  Also, change the entry in "users" to "7023" doesn't


+--------------------  finger for pgp public key  ---------------------+
| Dale E. Martin | University of Cincinnati Savant Research Laboratory |
| dmartin@ececs.uc.edu    |     http://www.ececs.uc.edu/~dmartin       |

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