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xterm and utmp

Some time in the past few months, xterm has forgotten how to write to the
utmp file again.  When I first started using Debian (0.93R6) this was
broken, then it got fixed, now it's broken again.  There seems to be an
ever-active shell game when it comes to the format of the utmp file.

To observe this, start a bunch of xterms and then do a "w".

Whose job is it to resolve this behavior (libc? xfree86? someone else?),
and is it on tap for the next release of xbase/whatever?

FYI, if this annoys you as much as does me, try adding the following line
to ~/.Xresources :

XTerm*utmpInhibit:     true

Better to have no entries at all than ugly ones.

G. Branden Robinson                 |
Purdue University                   |  Exercise your freedom of religion.  Set
branden@purdue.edu                  |  fire to a church of your choice.
http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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